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using crc32 as a unique key

CRC32 Hash Collision Probability - Ars Technica OpenForum
Jan 22, 2008 . This means that you stand a 1% chance of collision with roughly 10000 . I generally see CRC being used to produce unique keys for data.

Unique Keys, Hashing, and Encryption – Dacris Software
Aug 18, 2011 . Let's start with normal (not globally unique) keys. . CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) is a very basic hash function that generates a 32-bit hash .

Derived unique key per transaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In cryptography, Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) is a key . The encryption is done with a derived key, which is not re-used after the transaction. DUKPT . check (LRC) or a 2 hexadecimal digit cyclical redundancy check (CRC ).

Temporal Key Integrity Protocol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TKIP ensures that every data packet is sent with a unique encryption key. . This is because although TKIP continues to use the CRC32 checksum mechanism, .

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algorithm - unique integer/long hash key generation over strings for ...
Jul 2, 2009 . unique integer/long hash key generation over strings for faster compairson . The only problem I can see is that with a large number of unique . We use CRC-32 and it is very effective for this (basically 1 chance in 2^32 that a .

asp.net - Shorter GUID using CRC - Stack Overflow
Jul 26, 2009 . A CRC of a GUID would not be unique, no. . Also, if your users are stored in the database with a GUID key, you'd have trouble finding the user .

FMEpedia - Creating a Unique identifier using CRCCalculator
Aug 3, 2011 . These can be cumbersome to work with in an FME workflow (i.e. FeatureMerger) so combinging the natural key into a single CRC unique ID .

Performance benchmark of CRC32, MD5 and SHA1 ...
Jun 29, 2009 . However in my use case, I need to concatenate several requests params to create a unique key for my cached data. So I fought of using some .

MySQL Lists: mysql: Re: LAST_INSERT_ID and CRC32
May 3, 2009 . Other than perpopulating another table with possibe crc values then . NOT NULL, > PRIMARY KEY (`id`), > UNIQUE KEY `id-crc` (`id-crc`) .

Add hash column to {locales_source} to query faster locale strings ...
Jul 12, 2010 . drupal_hash_base64 is too complex in this case ?? we only need an unique key here. using CRC32 is another choose. from l10n, we only .

Generating unique integer IDs from strings in MySQL | GreenAsh
Mar 19, 2010 . Unfortunately, most of the tables I'm working with have primary keys that are either . (you could make it a unique key, but that's not really necessary). . a single duplicate (I also experimented briefly with CRC32 checksums, .

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Keysum - Using a checksum for a primary key - Data Management ...
Sep 25, 2007 . For example using the industry standard CRC32 algorithm will generate a . significant and therefore the key can be considered unique.

Cyclic Redundancy Checks
For example, suppose we want our CRC to use the key k=37. . uniquely in this way, i.e., as a polynomial in the base 2 with coefficients that are either 0 or 1.

Modelling free text comments
Oct 24, 2010 . To do this, I generate a checksum of the text (I like to use the CRC32 function) and use that as a non-unique natural key to the dimension (with .

Smart Energy ECC-Enabled Device Setup Process -120-5070-000B
support Smart Energy (SE) security, which is based on certificate-based key establishment . Application setup (run time) if using unique link keys. •. Joining a . from the installer) using the CRC16 algorithm described in the "CRC Algorithm .

Outlook passwords
Use strong passwords that combine upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and . CRC32's most vulnerable thing is that the 32-bit length of the password hash is . A new encryption algorithm that uses the encryption key and unique record .

[#DIRECTMEMORY-63] Investigate removing the need for an on ...
I also tried using CRC32 instead of keys but didn't work out well (too hard to . As each key has to be unique, and a hash is a unique value representing that key, .

Generating Shortcodes like Shorturl/tinyurl - PHPBuilder.com
How exactly would i go about making a unique key using the url? Code: $ shortcode = crc32($url);. Then i would make the record id the primary .

PHP: mt_srand - Manual
Seeds the random number generator with seed or with a random value if no seed is given. . mt_srand(crc32(microtime())); . If you generate a random "unique" 100-character key for say cookie use, seeding as above, you will likely get a .

PGP Command Line - Freeware User's Guide
Portions of this software may use public key algorithms described in U.S. Patent numbers . “Handbook of Applied Cryptography,” CRC Press; ISBN: 0-8493- 8523-7 . do this by comparing the unique fingerprint on your copy of someone's .

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20.3 Cyclic Redundancy and Other Checksums
whole files) with a statistically unique “key,” its CRC. Aggregates of any size can then be compared for identity by comparing only their short CRC keys. Differing .

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USB Developers FAQ - Jan Axelson's Lakeview Research
The ports do not have unique port addresses as parallel and serial ports do. . You can obtain the key from a device using SetupDi functions, and obtain the same key from a hub port using . How is the USB data CRC value calculated?

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PMAfob Software Example V1.2
With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information . Change unique key number (PMA or user defined) . CRC. EOM. XTEA encryption. RUNIN .. Run in sequence ( synchronisation) .


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